webfirmframework for Java Experts

BrowserPage buffer limit in wffweb-12

It is available since 12.0.0. It is enabled by default.

The BrowserPage uses a buffer to store data for its incoming and outgoing payloads. Now we can limit it with BrowserPage.Settings.inputBufferLimit and BrowserPage.Settings.outputBufferLimit for its incoming and outgoing buffer resp. Lossless communication should be enabled to fully enable this feature. Limiting the buffer will prevent using unlimited memory for server and client payloads.

browserPage.defaultSettings() can be used to get a default value. To change its settings override useSettings method in the subclass of BrowserPage . getSettings may be used to get the current settings (i.e. the applied settings by useSettings method).

protected Settings useSettings() {
    final int limit1MB = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
    final long timeout1Second = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toNanos(1);
    final Settings newSettings =  new Settings(
            limit1MB, timeout1Second,
            limit1MB, timeout1Second,
    return newSettings;